What better way to gather friends and family together and celebrate a child, children or even an adult taking a new direction in their life? A naming ceremony - or even a renaming ceremony - is a fabulous opportunity to do just that. It's a joyful occasion to introduce the newest members of your family or a new you to your community. If you've landed here it is because you want something non-religious, with personal meaning and, well, different!  You want it to be memorable, fun and if you make people shed a tear at some point, that's ok too. Many of our best memories are attached to our strongest emotions - let's make your ceremony one of those.     

I will work collaboratively with you to construct a wonderful, fun, joyful and bespoke ceremony to reflect what you want. This can include readings, poems, music, and symbolic gestures.  And if you choose to have it in your own home, garden, park etc that's absolutely fine. It really is whatever works for you.

As a humanist naming celebrant based in North West London, I am  trained and accredited by Humanists UK who also provide public liability insurance,  DBS checks, regular peer review and a code of conduct for their  celebrants.

You don't have to be a humanist to have a humanist ceremony!

About me

Great to see you here and thanks for taking the time to read a bit more about me!

Choosing a celebrant can be a tough decision. Will you like them? Will they like you?  More importantly, will they make your day special, joyous, unique and memorable?

I can do all of that. In fact, I'm probably planning your ceremony right now. Ok, I'm not - but I could be!

Being a naming celebrant is just part of who I am.  My professional background is in High Street Retail Head Offices, working for some pretty amazing well known companies. 

In my career, I use a wide variety of skills and some of those have been naturally transferrable to being a celebrant: listening, communication, presentations and working to strict deadlines.

These will all help me to deliver a brilliant ceremony for you.   

Growing up in London, I've worked with and have friends from culturally diverse backgrounds.  My volunteering with the elderly in a tech clinic  also taught me patience and to never under-estimate Granny!

In my spare time you may find me attempting to write my first novel, trying not to put my back out at the gym or simply enjoying being out and about in London.   

What is a Naming Ceremony?

They're like Christenings, right?

Not quite! Although Christenings reflect the wish of the parents to share their joy of their child with their community of friends and family, they are also when the parents make a commitment on behalf of that child to enrol them into a religion. The ceremony is often more about the religion than it is the child. The choice is being made for the child and not by the child. Humanists believe that each person should be able to choose their own beliefs.


For those with less strong or no religious beliefs, they may not be aware that an alternative exists, but it does!

Humanist ceremonies are non-religious, inclusive and non-discriminatory.

In a humanist naming ceremony, you may choose to include support roles such as Guideparents (a non-religious equivalent of Godparents), have promises from parents/others and also contributions from key members of the family and close friends. It is a joyous & unique occasion.

Together with personal stories,  music and symbolic gestures, it is truly personal and meaningful and will create a lasting memory.


The most popular locations tend to be your own house or garden, followed by local hotels and community halls. It can be anywhere though. If you choose to use your local park, always follow public by-laws and - if in a Royal Park for example - understand any rules around guest numbers and alcohol consumption! The weather will be out of your control so think about access to any shelter and seating which may be required for elderly or less able guests. As most namings are for children, also think about facilities to keep them entertained or to have a nap.

Having said that, a naming ceremony is not restricted to babies and toddlers. It can be at any age and stage of life. Some people see it as a way of freeing themselves from a previous life or gender and starting on their new chosen path.

Unlike religious ceremonies, we won’t dunk you in cold water either*.

(*Well, not unless you ask us to!) 

Humanism - what is it?

Humanists are people who shape their own lives in the here and now, because we believe it's the only life we have. We make sense of the world through logic, reason, and evidence, and always seek to treat those around us with warmth, understanding, and respect.

Humanism has been a recognised organisation for the last 125 years. It may surprise you to know that in the last year, almost 1m people have attended a humanist ceremony of one type or another. Most people are aware of humanist funerals but our ceremonies do not stop there. You can also have humanist wedding and naming ceremonies.  In summary, they cover the three most important ceremonial days of your life in a non-religious and inclusive way.

For more information on humanist naming ceremonies:

Don't take my word for it's what others thought

“The ceremony was so warm and full of lovely stories and gentle humour. I thought she must have been a family friend for years as it had so many personal touches.” 

Hannah, Cheltenham

“I hate to admit it, but I did have a tear in my eye at some points. It was really moving. And then she made me laugh. I'd recommend Mhorag, she was great”

Karen, London

“Mhorag is an authentic, warm and empathetic professional, enabling her to create natural connections. She brings an intuitive, inclusive and innovative approach to building personalised content for naming ceremonies. I loved it!”

Clare, London

"Beautifully delivered ceremony with surprising facts in it. I wanted it to go on for longer as it was so entertaining!”

David, Northumberland

Mhorag is a great conductor and able to see things from other people’s perspectives. She is very caring about every member of the family and feelings of this ceremony. Her tone of voice and sense of humour made people feel they were in the centre of the universe and united together.”

Kieun, St Albans

“Saturday was perfect in every way. Even though the weather was terrible and the baby was ill - it is something we will remember forever, so thank you so much.  I'm going to frame the certificate you gave us.  Thank you again, it was just amazing!

Hollie, Enfield

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